Friday, November 5, 2010

Mall woes

Today, I'm going to post something that everyone could somehow relate to. It's related with malls. Yeah, the favorite past time of ladies - shopping. Kaching! It's for today's menu. 

Whoever said that money can't buy happiness didn't know where to shop.
I like this quotation. Although it's from Gossip Girl (I posted this once on my site and a friend asked, "OMG YOU WATCH GOSSIP GIRL? x"), it's very true. And no, I don't watch Gossip Girl. I'd rather watch Family Guy, thank you very much.

Moving on...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Click on Entry tab again to view actual Entry

Just wanted to sort things out for people who might be noobs confused. If you view this blog and fortunately find a post that you want to read, of course you click on the read more or the title on the post. However, when you click on either one of those things, the body disappears. For this, you need to click on the entry tab again to view the actual entry. 

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Thank you

Just a small thank you to all the people who are actually reading my posts! I'm touched. Really. Because I really think that I am just talking to myself, like talking to a wall. Since this isn't Facebook, talking to a wall seems retarded. I was searching for help about feeds (since I long forgot about it) and I manage to stumble upon the stats on the settings tab. Checked it out, and found out that people are reading my posts! The primary purpose of this blog is to serve as my outlet whenever I feel gregarious and social. You know, without the annoying the hell out of people factor from social networking sites. 

Cold, winter nights

I am actually really sleepy right now, the very moment I am typing this post. I was doing my usual thing, reading my news feed, chatting with friends, listening to music (all on my trusty laptop) and next thing I know, drowsiness has already hit me. My eyes went blurry, I had a minor headache, I yawned - in short, I felt really sleepy. However, I felt the urge to post something here in this gazette since.. since, well I don't know. I just felt like it. So deal with it.