Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tags? Check. 2 posts? Check.

Had quite some time thinking yesternight about the possible tags I could make. I wanted it (the tags) to have some personality, but just as expected, it ended up being generic and rather vogue. Yes, vogue. Not the magazine, but the adjective vogue. Because I want YOU to think. I want YOU to use your mind. It's up there in your head for some reason, you know. It's not just a display. It's actually working. 

I feel obliged to explain the summer tags, though. I had the summer label so that people who are actually reading this ol' silly blog of mine could separate their reading stuffs in seasons. YES, seasons! Namely, first, summer (because that's when I started blogging), autumn, winter, then finally, spring. This will definitely make your and my life much, much easier. Wait, is that a double comparative?

And ola! This time around, I kept true to my promise. Well, sort of. I told you guys I'll have 2 posts, right? Well, here it is! The 2nd post. I know, it's kinda late, but better late than never, right? On c'mon. Have some gratitude! No humility today. I want YOU to feel thankful because you are reading a masterpiece. 

Thank you for reading. Cough. May you enjoy reading my loyal subjects!

I am Botasky. Now who wants to be Packy?

For all the inquisitive and curious minds out there, I ask you: What do you think of bunnies (yes, those soft and adorable and fluffayyyyyyy creatures that often times get abused my magicians)? Most of your perceptions would be cute, pettable (if there is such a word, but my spelling and grammar check says none, anyway I'll still go with it), kind, etc etc etc and flufayyyyyyy. Before your imaginations run wild, imagine this scenario: In Pandora their own worlds, which is probably set in an Anime-ish world (thanks, Japan), rabbits are like human beings - they talk, they wear clothes, they celebrate during Sundays, they function like a regular human being, to cut it short. I just realized that this post is gonna be oh so controversial when it finishes, Imma work this out in the end. Therefore, rabbits can have BIG GUNS. Yes, the big guns loved by big boys and men alike. Uhuh, you know it - like AK-47 rifles. Yeah, those type of guns. What were you thinking? Nevermind, just keep it to yourself. Read on, and get your pants back on.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Now that's a real problem up there. Somehow, I'm having a hard time with tags. I know its purpose and all that, but I just lack the motivated to get things started I need my daily dose of  Naruto! Perhaps tomorrow, I'll do it. And since I have a blog draft, I might really get heated tomorrow. Expect 2 blog posts tomorrow! 

For tonight, I'll think about proper tags. I'm a neat person, you know. Now you know.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

3 Reasons why my "Blogging" is hindered (everytime)

Basically, I can write about stuff whenever and wherever I want. Be it on my mind, be it in the shower where I make life decisions, or even that time in class where everyone is completely blank. However, there are problems that never fail to present themselves whenever I feel the urge to discuss and analyze a particular topic or issue (even rants, mind you) and hinder me from creating a bountiful and (possibly) useful post.

Among the top contenders are [there are 3 (originally 5, but meh)]:
Author's note: Please, please, pretty please read. Put strikethrough here.